Greg's Reading List...

Heres's a few books I really liked. They speak about ideas becoming a reality through ingenuity, hard work, effective collaboration and great management.  A new member to a team, a manager or an entrepreneur can benefit from these reads... I hope you enjoy them too!

The Innovators by Walter Isaacson

Pretty cool ride through the past 40 years of computing, The book is about "how a group of hackers, geniuses, and geeks created the digital revolution.

Crossing the Chasm, 3rd Edition by Geoffrey A. Moore

The quintessential description of product marketing strategies for the information age. This is an important read, and defines the stages of a new technology adoption. This is a marketing book that every developer should read, even if they have a marketing groupie to handle launch and promotion.

Differentiate or Die by Jack Trout with Steve Rivkin

Just because you build something doesn't mean it will sell. This is a great read for those who think they have a killer app in an existing market.

Good To Great by Jim Collins

This was mandatory reading when I worked at Motorola. If you work in a successful company, you need to read this book. It talks about how good companies become great, lasting brands.

Lead , Follow or Get Out of the Way by Jim Lundy

This is a very easy one night read but it describes leadership strategies for managers that want to build amazing teams of top performers. The title may sound a little "in your face" but it's a good leadership book.

The Oz Principle by Roger Connors, Tom Smith, and Craig Hickman

An interesting leadership book about getting results through accountability.

Zero to One by Peter Thiel with Blake Masters

A new additon to my library, this book focuses on Startups and "How to build the Future".

Radical Honesty by Brad Blanton

A very different type of reading but interesting. The author speaks about stress brought on by the stories our minds create. The book concentrates on how to live a full life, have better relationships and be successful by telling the truth.

The Hard Thing About Hard Things by Ben Horowitz

If you have or will ever run a business, or decide to do a startup this is a great book to read to understand just how hard it can be. I know, I've started three companies now and lived through the ups and downs.

Failure is not an Option by Gene Kranz

I got this book when I heard Gene Kranz speak at a convention. This is a great book about one of the most celebrated engineering projects ever - landing a man on the moon. Specifically it is about the Apollo 13 mission and the amazing collaboration that brought those astronauts back to earth safely.